Serious Health Issues Related To Excess Calorie Intake

Anybody who is slightly overweight or clinically obese is always on a hunt for ways that can help them burn their extra pounds of fat. There are effective treatments that can prove helpful, easily available on the market. However, you should not opt for any drug without a proper consultation with a doctor. In the UK, obesity is posing a serious health threat, as about half of the adult population is now overweight and about one quarter of these people are obese. The primary cause of rising obesity levels among people is attributed to their increasingly sedentary modern lifestyle. Also, you can easily get cheap snack foods and inexpensive high fat convenience meals that are generally considered unhealthy.

If the preventive measures are not taken now, the day is not far away when obesity may become the leading cause of preventable deaths and diseases among people worldwide, overthrowing smoking to second slot. According to the WHO, smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths and diseases among people worldwide.

Problems associated with Obesity


Obesity can cause some serious health problems among people. These health risks may include heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, stroke, gallstones, gall bladder disease, gout, and osteoarthritis. It can also cause breathing problems among some people like sleep apnea, in which a person may stop breathing for sometime during sleep.

If you have a family history of certain chronic diseases like heart disease or diabetes, then you are at an increased risk of developing these problems on becoming overweight or obese. Some medical conditions such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol may also sound warnings signs for serious obesity-related risks.

The most standard measure of obesity is body mass index or BMI. However, your waist circumference can also tell a lot about obesity-related conditions that may develop in future. For example, an apple shaped waist or stomach may be an indicator for health risks like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Tips and suggestions

There is no magic formula for slimming or losing weight overnight. The only reliable way to become slim is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Even if you already have a weight problem, the best way to lose it is to make positive lifestyle changes. A healthy diet and regular daily exercise are the key weapons for becoming slim in the end. There are some useful prescription treatment drugs available on the market like the Reductil (Sibutramine) and the Xenical (Orlistat).

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About Author:

Obesity treatment includes a combination of diet, exercise, behavior modification, and sometimes slimming pills like Reductil Sibutramine.Author: Marco Frankle